Michał Znaniecki
has produced over 200 new stage-shows of drama, opera and musical in the most notable theatres of the world as well as during art festivals. For his social projects he was awarded the Golden Medal for Social and Artistic Value by the President of Puglia Region. His productions of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde (2007) and The Producers (2009) won several Golden Mask Awards (as well as The Best Production of the Year 2007; The Best Director, The Best Show of the Year 2009).
He is the creator of several open-air mega-productions: e.g. Otello and L’elisir d’amore on the water, Turandot and Un ballo in maschera in the Olympic Stadium of Wrocław, Traviata and Carmina Burana with the Israeli Opera at the Masada Desert, Israel. His Eugene Onegin (ABAO, Bilbao) received the award “Premios Líricos Teatro Campoamor” for The Best New Production of the Year 2011, Spain. Croatian Association of Dramatic Artists awarded his Mefistofele the Best Opera Performance 2014 in Croatia.
Znaniecki also received Premio Abbiati 2015, Italian Opera Oscar for the 200.com project – Pagliacci.

Founded in 2009, the TomorrowOpera Foundation as a link between institutions is building national and international co-productions, educational programs, social programs, masterclasses & other activities. Pedagogical projects strive to open up the seemingly distant and closed world of opera to children.
NOWA PRÓBA ORKIESTRY – specjalny projekt kierowany do emerytowanych artystów muzyków, instrumentalistów niegdyś grających w polskich orkiestrach i kreujących polskie sceny symfoniczne i operowe. Projekt zakłada tworzenie multimedialnych audycji muzyczny poprzez rejestrację cyklu spotkań na temat muzyki orkiestrowej, do udziału w których zapraszamy wybranych emerytowanych muzyków z filharmonii i teatrów operowych w całym kraju. Tematycznie opowieści zamkną się w dwóch blokach: kompozytorzy polscy i instrumenty.
„Dofinansowano ze środków Ministra Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego z Funduszu Promocji Kultury państwowego funduszu celowego w ramach programu „Muzyka” realizowanego przez Narodowy Instytut Muzyki i Tańca”
FESTIVAL 2013-2020
The Festival Opera Tigre on the island Kaiola Blue (Buenos Aires) is an international project of Michał Znaniecki. The Festival aims to be extended along several countries around the River Paraná – Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, Argentina- with a significant emphasis and references to Polish culture. The Festival will offer theatre and opera performances using the natural area of the island and the aquatic environment of the Paraná River. Audiences will be able to enjoy both small scale performances and concerts as well as open air opera megaproductions. Festival Opera Tiger becomes part of the group of important festivals in which the water is an essential framework. Renowned international singers from around the world have already announced their intention to participate in the upcoming productions of „The Fairy Queen” and „The Tempest” staged on the water. Theatre and music workshops will complete and support the activities of the Festival, aimed at an international spectrum of young artists. The first edition 2013 which announced the creation of the Festival took place on a single and intense day structured around a great number of small scale performances, concerts, workshops and plays where Witold Gombrowicz became a kind of leitmotif of the event. Singers and actors as Gabo Ferro, Marilu Marini, Nacho Gadano, María Bayo, Daniela Taberning took part of that opening day accompanied by great musicians like Rubén Fernández Aguirre or Ensemble Tropi among other great artists – friends of the FOT.